We have lots of fruit trees at Strathmore. Well, we thought we did. Until we started making our preserves and people starting wanting more. More than we could handle, in fact. So now, we have a little network of trusted neighbours and friends who supply us with any extras we require of the raw, seasonal ingredients which Julie turns into delicious jars and bottles of taste. We really appreciate it when people take the time to connect with us and let us know how they found our products. It's feedback that is a key part of our philosophy of being a customer-driven business.
At markets, we always have tasters to hand as we like people to be able to know what they are buying. That makes it even more special when they then take the time to send us messages and comments, letting us know their reactions. Often some of our stuff evokes other memories for people and we love hearing those stories. It's a vital part of our business and it's something we enjoy, because we like making things for people!
Here are some excerpts of messages we've received!
Just wanted to let you know how much we have enjoyed you lemon Gin and Tonic Marmalade. I’m a very harsh judge of marmalade and yours is up there with the best! I can’t remember where I bought it, so would appreciate knowing where I can find more.
"Delicious jams and chutneys from a beautiful part of Victoria and very friendly, helpful owners. "
"Thanks to Fruits of Strathmore just enjoying the BEST apricot jam ever!!!! The jar won't last long trust me, tastes like one my grandma made WOW!!! Fig relish also awesome!!! Thank you, found my go to conserve place" 💜 💜 💜
"Hi guys, it was so lovely to meet you, and even more to find out that you are friends with ***! I just wanted to tell you how much my dad LOVED your lemon, lime and bitters marmalade. He is 86yo and cannot stop talking about your product - he wants to buy 4 x 250ml bottles now....he said it's "worth it's weight in gold”!!! "
"I am very happy to acknowledge a good product, sincerely hope many more will accept this quality product, especially those of us who love the true taste of a marmalade."
"Your quince paste was the perfect touch to my deli board! Beautiful, sweet taste!"
"Hi. I tried a couple of bottles of your cordial at the festa, folks. Very nice, encourages good hydration."
"Hey Julie, I bought some Kasoundi from you yesterday with the intention of having this on our cheese platter for Christmas Day.... couldn’t wait... I cracked it open today and had it on my kale - I wanted to let you know it was amazing! Delicious!
"Hi guys! I’ve just tucked in to a delicious meal of home made gnocchi featuring your sugo al pomodoro as the sauce and all I can say is I’m devastated that I didn’t make a bigger batch! Absolutely delicious!"
We are not bound by the Australian or Victorian Privacy Act - but we do operate using its principles for the treatment of your personal data. We DO NOT on-sell or divulge your personal data unless required to by law or unless it is for legitimate business needs and operations and we have your explicit or implicit permission.